The rook (Corvus frugilegus) is about 41-49 cm long. The plumage is black with a bluish metallic luster. The beak is grayish black, slightly curved downward and somewhat slimmer than the crow. The beak base is from 8 months bald and gray. The upper part of the legs is, unlike crows, covered with loose feathers. Rooks run with steps and jumps.
Rooks live in groups in open farmland land and pasture, interspersed with trees.
Rooks nest in colonies in tree tops close together. They form a pair for life. Nests are recovered annually. They lay 3 to 7 speckled eggs. The male feeds the nesting female.
Rooks eat anything, especially insects, but also (germinating and others) seeds. They also steal eggs from nests. In cities they forage (in group) without fear of people on the street.
Who wants to do something finds a way, those who do not want an apology.