A modern city has food reserves for 3 days. The shelves are empty without any feed from the countryside.

Good news for gourmands and gourmets!

A simple and effective way to preserve food for a longer time without it becoming bad is... eating.

eekhoorn1If there is (too) much, eat much. Your body stores the excess food as fat. This is addressed at times when you need the energy, but have too little food (fuel). Animals that hibernate apply this principle to survive a winter: first store fat, then shut-down the metabolism by moving as little as possible to keep the use of energy minimized.

How many resources you can store this way?
If you normally weight 60 kilograms it seems to me that you do not increase your chances of survival if you will travel with 100 kilo’s of fat extra.


At the Stellmoorsite in Hamburg (+10,000 BC) findings show that swimming over reindeer were shot and slain. They were weighed with stones, probably to save the meat stock longer in cold water.

Our ancestors knew the nature very well. Their survival depend on it.
Survive a long and cold winter was awfully difficult, and often they did not succeed.
If there was nothing to find, they were willing to take ultimate risks.
And appeal to dangerous reserves.
Archaeologists also found a lot - painted - bones of the extinct cave bear. By the end of the first ice age, about 15,000 years ago, he was gone.
They conclude that he was worshiped.
Respected and feared he was for sure!
The cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) lived in Europe, and ate mostly plants. The male was 3.5 meters tall, standing on his hind legs. He could weigh 450 kilo!

I suppose he was murdered. That this was the ultimate survival strategy.
A prepared for the winter, overfed bear in his hibernation in a cave (his den) , a raid for a great source of protein and fats. And a warm coat!
And a safe and secure place to live!
Observation, caution, handy weapons and cooperation helped to survive the winter. However, for the human being. Bad luck for the bear...

Be hungery = live longer (long-term study, results 2017)

You can live longer if you eat (too) little (about 20 to 30 percent fewer calories than in a recommended diet without starving yourself). So not that little that it leads to malnutrition. This also offers better protection against cardiovascular diseases. Eating fat and sugar is not a problem with this diet.