You can also fish at night. Perch, roach and breem are examples of ”day scavengers” in freshwater. Garfish, mackerel, shad, in salt water. Mackerel you catch more during the day. Carp, eel, sole and cod overnight. The higher a fish swims, the less easy it is to catch him in night hours. He needs light, uses his eyes to find food.
Fish that have a good sense of smell are (also) active in the dark. They then get even closer to the edge than in the daytime. A strong smelling bait catches more at night than a neutral bait.
There are also fish at night coming to light. With a lamp for the boat you could poach more. Also, lobsters, frogs and turtles are in light like hypnotized (as rabbits).
"A lot of fish here?"“I don’t know. I fish here only a month.”(Theo Bergsma)
Poaching pike with a noose
It shows regularly in the boys stories of (highly) elderly. In a thin metal wire you make a loop that you discharge of its luster in a fire. To maneuver in the water fix it securely to a branch or stick. The pike often lays at a shaded spot with his head just above the bottom waiting for prey. (Then the water was so clear you could see it from the shore.) You move very slowly and carefully. You slide the noose over his head to the gills. Pike shoots forward and you swipe it with a jerk out of the water. Watch out for his teeth!
In the SAS Survival Handbook the noose is slid on the pike from tail to head.
"What are you fishing for?"“Perch."“Something caught?”' No. '“How do you know that you are fishing perch?"