infusion is made by pouring boiling water over plant parts and then cover it to prevent evaporation.
Let it steep for a while and then pour off.
A decoction is made by pouring cold water, leave it for five minutes and then bring to the boil.
Cook gently for 10 to 20 minutes and let steeping.
A tincture is a liquid of soluble substances from herbs or resins in ethanol. (Ex. perfume.)
A tincture keeps better and longer than an aqueous solution. Most tinctures have a 1:5 ratio. In 1 liter of ethanol of at least 65° is added 200 grams of plant material. Alcohol can dissolve substances that are not soluble in water.
Natural remedy for headaches
No action often helps as well as medication. It seems not a disease, but rather the result of mostly unknown causes.
Ginger, chamomile and linden tea are soothing and may help.
Willow leaf (Salix) and especially willow bark is a natural 'aspirin' for pain and fever. You can just chew the inner bark, or boil white streaks.
The active substance, salicylic acid also occurs in meadowsweet.
Would also help: mint tea, rose hip, or feverfew or tansy (Chrysanthemum parthenium).
Honey ointment for wound care
Honey is painful. To be useful, the concentration may be reduced to 50% with e.g. (sterile) fat, beeswax, or protein. Honey Ointment has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. She draws water, making the environment water low for bacteria, and makes somewhat slow releasing hydrogen peroxide as antiseptic. It soothes the pain and stimulates tissue growth.
The Giant Puffball (Calvatia gigantea) is a kind of giant mushroom with a spherical, white fruiting body that can store heavy metals. You can cut disks to eat or hedge wounds. Popularly, he is also called false tinder. Dried you can ignite fire with it. The smoke development is impressive. They smoked bees out with it.
Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa- pastoris)
All above-ground parts of the shepherd's purse can be used in open wounds: flowers, steal, leaves. The flavonoids and peptide work blood clothing. First wash the shepherd's purse. Then cut it into chunks. Pour a cup of boiling water on 2 teaspoons green, screen to blot cuttings.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
Chamomile is soothing and antiseptic. The tannins prevent bacteria can reproduce well.
Pour a cup of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of chamomile and let it stand fifteen minutes. Dab the wound with it.
Goosegrass (cleavers, Galium aparine)
Previously, the plant was used in dyeing red color, the fruits as rennet to milk and roasted as a coffee substitute.
Tar from your hands can be removed by rubbing with cleavers.
Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum) has clusters of tiny yellow flowers that smell of honey. This plant was used as a deodorizer in bed! The smell even killed fleas, so it served as mattress stuffing. Furthermore, you can use bedstraw in making cheese, yellow and even red dye.
Sage is a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent in herbal medicine. (Sunlight too.)
The smoke during burning or “smudging” is also used as an insect repellent. The Indian ritual of burning sage for an hour to purify the air appears to reduce the number of bacteria by as much as 94%. The room remained disinfected for more than 24 hours and seven strains of previously present pathogenic bacteria stayed away for 30 days. (National Botanical Research Institute, India).