It usually comes in the bound state as sulphide or oxide.
Copper-containing minerals include malachite (CuO3·Cu(OH)2), chalcocite (Cu2S), covelite (CuS) and bornite (Cu6FeS4), azurite. Significant deposits of copper ore are in Chile, Peru and the United States for mineral, cuprite(copper oxide) (CuO2) and tenorite (cupric oxide) (CuO).
Copper has been used around 8,700 BC in Iraq. Around 5,000 BC. it was molten from copper minerals such as malachite and azurite. The Sumerians and Egyptians melted around 3,000 BC. copper to make bronze. In China it was known to use in 1,200 BC. The mummy found in the Alps in 1991, the 45 -year-old Ötzi, died around 3,300 BC. (older than the pyramid of Cheops!), had a 99.7% pure copper ax.
The name copper comes from the Latin word Cuprum, "aes Cyprium" meaning "ore of Cyprus" where it was mined in ancient times.
The melting point of copper is 1,083⁰C, the boiling point 2,595⁰C.
It is used for wire, conductors, money, tools, (brewing) boilers (the inside is sometimes tinned against toxic green oxidation, or every good sand-dressed), (water) pipes.
Bronze is an alloy of copper and 10 to 30% tin. It was used for tools, weapons, containers and jewelry.
Hydrated cupric sulfate (CuSO4 .H2O), also known as blue vitriol (blue stone), is the most well-known copper compound. It is used in agriculture as a pesticide, as algaecide in water purification and as a pigment in blue ink.
Cuprous chloride (CuCl2) is used as a stain.
Bronze contains tin and between 55% and 95% copper, and it was as early as 2,500 years ago used by the Romans.
Brass includes next to copper(57 - 59%) also 5 to 45% zinc.