Can you survive one year without tap water and electricity? Take the test.

I can collect fuel for 1 year. (Which? Where? How much per winter?)
I can make a fire.
I can keep a fire burning for 12 hours while I’m asleep.
I can find and recognize edible plants, mushrooms and fruits.
I know where and how to get 2 liters drinkable, not ill-making water every day.

Can you survive longer than 1 year?

zelfvoorzieningdoemeeI can make a fire without a match or lighter without paper or firelighters.
I can grow, harvest and preserve vegetables, fruits and tubers for several months.
I can catch a bird, or fish (little) animals, and kill, slaughter and prepare them.
I can make shoes to protect my feet. (How?)
I can repair or make cloths to keep myself warm and dry.
I can make containers to store beverage and food. (How?)

I can live without

I cannot live without
but if they are broken I can repair them and keep them efficiently working.

There are 5 houses within walking distance where I can go for a meal or for help. And vice versa.