If you have worms, you will have in most cases barely burden. If you want to detect them, you should regularly check your stool.
You prevent contamination through good hygiene. Wash fruits and vegetables well, let meat be well done.
With natural means to de-worm (both animals and humans) freshly ground peeled raw pumpkin seeds are often mentioned. There is a coating on the seed. They contain the amino acid cucurbitine that weakens intestinal worms. At repeated doses the (tapeworm and roundworms) are paralyzed, die and are expelled from the body. These seeds also contain other nutrients that kill worms, such as flavonoids, palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids. Combination with a mild diarrhea pathogen such as molasses or skimmed milk about an hour or two later would be helpful.
In poultry it is combined with garlic (good for the immune system and helps with the parasite overload) and dandelion (water drifting)
Dr. Pitcairn in his "Natural Health for Dogs & Cats" uses 1/4 - 1 teaspoon ground pumpkin seeds (depending on the size of your pet) to add to each meal.
A holistic (Belgian) veterinarian Dr. Eric Vanden Eynde writes: 5 cloves of garlic presses in 5dl of olive oil, let it be drawn for 24 hours and give 2 teaspoons a day to the dog for 3 to 4 days.
Other recommended remedies (without own experience or scientific study):
Papaya seeds contain carpaine, benzylisothiocyanate, benzylglucosinolate, glucotropacolin, benzylthiourea, hentriacontane, sitosterol, caricin and the enzyme myrosin: this helps to kill parasites, cause the intestines to contract and inhibit inflammation.
Pineapple: contains the digestive enzyme bromelain, would be effective against tapeworms
Pomegranate juice: drink five glasses of about 225 grams per day to cleanse your intestines and get rid of parasites.
to try herbs and extracts:
Garlic contains allicin, a versatile antibiotic that kills parasites: two cloves per day to combat intestinal worms.
Coconut oil: contains capric acid with an anti-parasitic and antibacterial effect.
Oregano oil: contains two antimicrobial properties, thymol and carvacrol, which help against parasitic infections.
Herbs against worms
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium): 8 g wormwood tops in a liter of boiling water, drink it as a tea.
Tansy is literally a herb against (tape) worms and parasites: take 30 grams of dried herb in 500 ml of boiled water. Drink a cup in the evening and morning on an empty stomach.
Of tansy leaves are traditionally done in pancakes in the city of Diest (be).
According to Living in 1870, excerpts from the then 'Winkeler Prins' (encyclopedia):
To dispel the tapeworm, various means are recommended, but none of these are infallible. One of the best .. (finely ground) rhizome of male fern (aspydium filix mas), already prescribed by Galen and Dioscorides. .. or bark from the roots of the garnet tree. (also kousso or the flowers of an Abyssinian plant (brayera anthelmintica) ... as well as kamala or the powder of the glands of an Indian plant (Rottlera tinctoria) ... under the direction of a doctor!
The (fox) tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) is a parasite that keeps alive and multiplies at the expense of its host. This may also be a cat, rat, mouse or dog. The eggs cannot be seen with the naked eye. They can be on berries, to a height of 1 meter. Wash and boil (+60⁰C) so food that you find. Wash your hands thoroughly after each contact with earth. Make around your vegetable garden a good fence where foxes cannot get trough or over. Shower hounds after hunting. Deworm dogs every 4 weeks. The larva affects your liver. Alveolar echinococcosis is in most cases fatal.
More information about various types of worms
I have repeatedly heard and read the story that you can remove tapeworm by fasting a few days and then hang with open mouth over a bowl of warm milk (or even coffee,..). The tapeworm, searching for food, comes out by itself. Pull it all the way out, so that not one piece will stay. What would become a new one again. I cannot find confirmation anywhere from a reliable source.
"Every worm has its people." (John G. Elburg)