All fleas (Siphonaptera) are blood parasites of vertebrates. There are several thousand known species of fleas. A flea is 1 to 3 millimeters in size and can jump up to 90 centimeter. They are well able not to eat for months and hide in cracks and crevices. Up to 80% is under the carpet!
Fleas do not live on pets, but just at home. Once a flea has engorged with blood she lets loose and falls back to the ground.
Fleas bite people when there is nothing "better" in reach like cat or dog.
Fleas cannot live on humans, but can be transferred by us.
Flea bites are recognizable as itchy bumps with a central darker tip.
The most favorite spots of the fleas are the elbow and the knee. The bite you usually do not feel.
The larvae feed on organic material (like fly shit, dander etc.). After 1 to 2 weeks, the larva becomes a cocoon, and two weeks later a young flea. The flea can detect by heat, vibration, and the carbon dioxide content in the air whether a host is in and then pounce him. Often, people are so jumped by hungry fleas when they return home after a holiday. (So let first the cat go in.) So you can find many bites on the legs.
Fleas do not reproduce without the blood of animals, but they can survive a year with human blood.
Fleas can in turn be host for the tapeworm.
Diatomaceous earth can be used as flea, tick, bird lice and other parasite killing agent. Their skin is damaged by the sharp particles that also absorb fats from the wax layer of the so-called exoskeleton of fleas and ticks, causing them to dry out. This is also why animals roll in the sand for a dust bath when they try to get rid of parasites. This works better due to the very fine structure and sharp spines of the diatomaceous earth.
Diatomaceous earth is known as DE, pebble gum, silicic acid, mountain flour, silica, E551. It consists for the most part of fossil skins of diatoms in fresh or salt water. The diatoms accumulated in the mud (diatoms or Bacillariophyta: unicellular algae with an external skeleton of flint) have not been broken down or compressed. On average, 50 to 100 diatoms ranging from 5 to 100 micrometers fit on the tip of a pin.
"Flea: animal that can jump further than a man can scratch." (Marc Van Daele Hals)
Remedies for fleas
Powderize dried eucalyptus, sage (or rosemary), fennel and curly dock and rub this mixture in the coat of the pet.
Put lavender, coriander, sage, rosemary and chamomile in the sleeping bag.
Previously there were no fleas straps. We kept cat or dog flea free with tansy in the basket or place to sleep, even in chicken or pigeon.
Natural remedy for fleas and ticks: lemon with rosemary.
Pour 1/2 liter of boiling water over 1 coarsely chopped lemon peel and 1 tablespoon dried rosemary. Allow to cool and strain.
Rub once a day or every two days the dog (or cat) with it.
Do some brewer's yeast or garlic powder in the diet of your pet. The blood by this will taste bad. (Who has ever tasted?)
Fleas catching can with a shallow dish with water and a little soap on the floor. Put a tea light in it. The fleas come out at night to the light and drown in the water. Soap reflects more light, and breaks the surface tension so they drown quickly.
Please note that your pet can not reach the candle and watch the fire.
Take a deep plate and add water and oil. Put the plate next to the basket or sleep spot on the carpet. The fleas are attracted by the gloss of the oil and are then trapped by the water.
Daily vacuuming, especially carpets and sleeping. Close the vacuum (pocket) securely.
Sunlight kills fleas, so concentrate mainly on the shady spots.
Cleaning with water and vinegar works. Fleas, like other insects hate the smell and it cleans intensively. Not use too much water. If there is vinegar or detergent in the water, they will not survive. This also applies to the eggs and larvae, they will not come out. Water with vinegar is a sustainable, natural and environmentally friendly approach.
Tea Tree Spray is recommended to many insects. But it is not certain that the product itself is safe for the user.
Two fleas go out. One says to the other: "Are we on foot or take a dog?"