The nutritional tables
give for many alphabetical sorted food per 100 grams the number of calories (kcal and kJoul), water, proteins, fats (saturated and unsaturated, single and multiple), cholesterol, sugars, vitamins and minerals.
Besides lots of info about this, the site has a BMI- and an energy calculator.
0 1 cup of black coffee
30 one cup of tea with sugar
30 1 biscuit
30 1 glass of tomato juice
50 one cup of coffee with sugar and milk
50 1 cookie
55 1 glass of sherry
70 1 glass of gin
75 1 glass of port
90 1 glass of orange juice (sweetened)
90 1 glass of wine
100 1 glass of soda
125 1 glass of lager
135 1 small bag of chips
140 1 croquette
140 1 slice of cake
140 3 croquettes
150 1 handful of peanuts
150 1 bar of chocolate (30 grams)
170 1 filled cake
260 1 pastry cream
270 1 frikandel (long sausage)
280 1 packet Twix
340 1 egg
360 1 mocha pastry
570 1 portion of chips (165 grams) with mayonnaise
1100 1 serving of fried rice with satay and sauce
The title is misleading. Energy in every bite and drink is more correct:
110 beer (= 1 milkshake)
110 gin and tonic (= 1 fried egg)
120 glass of white wine (= 1 slice of bread with chocolate)
175 Duvel (= 1 hotdog)
205 Leffe (= 1 sugar waffle)
An average of 1 to 2% of the proteins in your muscles are renewed per day, with brains that is 3 to 4 percent. Muscle tissue has been completely renewed after about three months. Brain tissue after four to five weeks.
Many common religions take a period of fasting. Sometimes people do it also to lose weight or 'detoxify'. There are indications that taking less calories is healthy with regard to insulin, cholesterol, heart and vascular diseases. It is also good for our brain. In the organs as well as in the brain, fasting inhibits harmful degradation processes caused by inflammatory reactions and oxidative stress. According to an American study (2017), three days of fasting can regenerate the entire immune system of people by stimulating stem cells to make new white blood cells to fight infection. And the body has been free of inefficient parts of the system that are damaged or old.
‘I follow a mango diet. I eat nothing whith mango in it.’
‘The worst part of a diet is another who eats.’(Gooitzen Woudstra)