Edible is not the same as nutritious. Or culturally accepted. Or religiously allowed. Or tasty. Tasteful is a matter of taste. Tastes differ.
Some species are protected by law. The slaughter of dogs and cats is here prohibited by law, eating them is not. Cattle may only be slaughtered in an approved abattoir.
We commonly find that favorite animals and pets that many people have an are emotionally bond with, should not be eaten (guinea pigs, goldfish, horse, even rabbit..).
Jews and Muslims do not eat pork, Hindus do not want beef.
Apart from a few exceptions, you can eat anything that crawls, walks , flies or swims.
All mammals are edible. (Not the liver of polar bears, the Platypus venom glands.)
Avoid animals that live from waste and carcasses like possum, rats,.. they may carry diseases.
All birds are edible (not therefore tasty).
Almost all (poached) frogs are edible. Avoid brightly colored species or frogs with a marked X on the back.
Do not confuse with toads (rough skin, with venom glands) which are not edible.
Remove the head and any venom glands from snakes.
Box turtles eat poisonous mushrooms and are therefore toxic. (Also happens with some caterpillars.)
All freshwater fish are edible. Heat them enough to kill bacteria before eating them. Some saltwater fish are poisonous.
Mussels may be poisonous in tropical regions during the summer.
Do not eat shellfish that are not under water at high tide.
Much smaller species need much less effort and knowledge to capture or collect them. Therefore insects are easy and interesting as food.
Do not collect insects that feed on faeces or carcasses.
Stay away from hairy and brightly colored insects: they can be toxic.
Brightly colored land snails can be toxic.
Do not eat insects or caterpillars with a pungent odor.
Avoid what sticks or bites, spiders and known disease vectors such as ticks, mosquitoes and flies.
Ants are edible after cooking for 6 minutes.
Maggots are very nutritious.
Worms empty and clean themselfs as they’re put some minutes in drinkable water. Then you can eat them (even raw).
Decaying trunks are excellent places to look after insects like ants, termites, beetles and larvae
(Moisty) meat spoils quickly. It should be fresh, and preferably heated (cooking, grilling ... ) before use.
The liver, a blood processing , complex chemical factory
The liver is a large organ with four lobes and diverse and complex chemical functions .
With 20% of the oxygen consumption, the liver is the most active, after the skin the toughest, and after the brains also the most versatile organ.
Its activity generates so much heat that the body thus is kept at temperature .
The liver produces amino acids and transfers proteins and other substances in to iron and vitamins. The liver of polar animals such as the polar bear listed above (and the walrus) is toxic for humans due to the high dose of vitamin A.
It filters harmful and toxic wastes from the blood (which occurs also the brown color of stool).
The liver also produces bile that breaks dietary fats in the intestine, so that enzymes help better to provide digestion. Remove the green gallbladder careful, the bitter moisture makes liver and meat inedible.
Just like in the Greek myth about Prometheus, our liver can regrow (regenerate) not in a day but in 3 weeks.
For me liver organ is the best meat. But I do not use it if he
- is too light in color. He should be smooth, shiny brown.
- he is not uniform in color, with lighter and dark spots.
- there are white dots or spots.
A dry liver: feeling thirsty, like drinking a glass
An alcoholic who has something on his liver.
Dokter : "This painful bump is your liver, what are you drinking?"
Patient "Does not matter, what you've got!"