Coffee Chicory (Cichorium intybus var. Sativum) is a plant, family of chicory and endive, grown for the production of chicory. The leaf and root seem a bit like a dandelion. The flower is lilac, light blue.
Since the 19th century the grinded and roasted chicory roots of a decaffeinated somewhat bitter drink resembles a bit like coffee. The juices should be caramelized without burning. That is obviously not a pure coffee...
Roasted or dried berries of rowan or mountain-ash can also be used as a coffee substitute: let infuse for 10 minutes a tablespoon of berries with boiling water.
In Chile people make coffee from the roasted seeds of rose hips.
The Bambu Instant coffee substitute contains no caffeine and is made from roasted: chicory, Turkish figs, wheat, malted barley and Greek acorns.