What would have to be find from our present civilization after 5,000 or 10,000 years?
(Perhaps radiation from disintegrating radioactive waste?)
Can a civilization get lost? It has already happened several times. We find remains of civilizations which we know little or nothing about.
Not infrequently we, Westerners, with our greed, wars, religion, slavery and disease carry also the blame for the disappearance of peoples and cultures.
Often lost civilizations by lack of information are a matter of believers and non-believers, situated before a deluge of about 9 to 12,000 years ago. Imposing structures are by lack of statement attributed to gods, giants or aliens, and largely misunderstood, declared as the sun-, moon-, or astronomical calendar.
(Every time I read this I'm glad that I have hang annually a paper thing against the wall.)
Nobody knows, fantasizing is free...
According to the theory, the Aborigines were about 50,000 years ago in Australia arrived from Southeast Asia (like the Indians in America). The Aborigines knew no bow and arrow, but used the boomerang.
Jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, located on the West Bank (Palestine), about 15 km northwest of the Dead Sea, about 260 meters below sea level. For more than 11,000 years, it is a popular location probably due to the drinking water supplies and the convenient location.
Atlantis whose population about 11,000 years ago lived in abundance and prosperity, was first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias. By a catastrophe the nation would suddenly disappear. The capital city of Atlantis was a strictly geometrical structure of concentric circles with alternating walled (islands) country (parts) and a channel. Probably Atlantis is already situated by one of the many thousands of books in about almost every place on earth.
Around 1962 were discovered at Gobekli Tepe large, T-shaped pillars with carvings of lions, bulls, boars, foxes, gazelles, reptiles (such as snakes) and birds (an "ark of Noah”).
This 'Navel Mountain“ (about 13 km northeast of Sanliurfa, in southern Turkey) was with around 11,500 years (C14 dating) the oldest known stone complex in the world.
In that time of hunter- gatherers, there was no sophisticated organization that could make it. But it is there.
The 13 hectares of Catalhoyuk in southern Central Anatolia are dating from about 7,500 to around 6,200 BC. This hitherto largest and most developed settlement from the late Stone Age had estimated up to 10,000 people on the eastern hill.
The decline may be due to social discord, invading migrants from the flooded areas around the Black Sea or soil depletion.
Nevali Cori is a Neolithic settlement on the stream Kantara in the Euphrates in Turkey. C14 datings point to an age of about 8,000 to 10,000 BC.
Yonaguni is the westernmost island of Japan, and has step-like terraces with square corners. It is about 200 meters wide and 35 meters high and is located 30 meters below sea level.
Discovered in 1985, the strange rock formations can be geological or artificial. Traces of land life, stalagmites and stalactites (which can only occur above water) suggest an age of 8,000 to 10,000 years.
Around Carnac on the southern coast of Brittany, France, remains about 2,600 of the original estimated 11,000 megaliths arranged as (only) standing stones (menhirs), stone circles (cromlechs) and tumuli (dolmens). Presumably they are associated with prehistoric shamanic rituals and were built around 5,000 BC.. Without wheelbarrow.
Gavrinis in the Gulf of Morbihan has a megalithic tomb which was built around 3,500 BC, when the island was connected to the mainland. The building has a diameter of 50 m, a corridor with one room, and lots of finger print like stone carvings and symbols on 23 large stones. Ceiling stones weigh up to 17 tonnes.
The stones are recycled from older buildings! Three of them were even a 14m high menhir, and some are decorated with animal motifs.
The Grand Menhir of Locmariaquer is in four parts broken on the ground. The largest piece is 12 meters long. The entire amount was 20.30 meters and its weight is estimated at 347 tonnes. Turn it on!
A Mayan-like stone pyramid lies in Plouezoc'h Finistere and is 72 meters long, 25 meters wide and 6 meters high and has 11 burial chambers. The building is situated around 4,500 BC.
Bulgarian archaeologists (led by Vasil Nikolov, 2012) near the Black Sea have discovered the oldest, more than six thousand years old prehistoric town of Provadia in Europe with two-storey houses, city gates and slightly younger defensive walls. Archaeologists estimate that there lived about 350 people in the village.
Particularly noteworthy are the very thick defensive walls, possibly because the settlement was very prosperous. The neighborhood is rich in salt, which until 600 BC was a valuable exchange and payment. From carbon dating shows that the salt mining in the settlement began around the year 5,500 BC.
The civilization of Ancient Egypt flourished from around 3,300 to 332 BC. along the 6,700 km-long Nile. We especially recognize the golden death mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, several temples, obelisks, the Pyramids of Giza, built between about 2,551 and 2,472 BC. There were (soft) copper, possibly later bronze tools and no wheel.
The several times under sand buried sphinx (half man (head), half-lion (body), (guardian of a secret library?) is recently by West and Schoch dated around 10,500 BC. based on signs of rain erosion.
We find difficult to explain several straight cuts in very hard stone, boreholes, and more than 40,000 hard- walled stone vases of time before the first pharaoh.
Virgil writes in his Aeneas in imitation of the ancient Greek epics Iliad and Odyssey of Homer on the intake of Troy (in the northwest of present-day Turkey to the Dardanelles) with a wooden horse. Heinrich Schliemann began excavations in 1870 and found ancient Troy divided into nine layers, and more construction periods from 3,000 BC. The city was destroyed several times and rebuilt on the ruins of the past again. She was finally destroyed by an earthquake or a war between 1193 and 1184 BC.
Stonehenge is a megalithic monument from the Younger Stone Age, close to the site Amesbury about 13 kilometers from Salisbury (England). The latest date for its construction is at 2,300 BC.
The giant stones placed in a ring form an observatory or health center associated with druids. The Sarsen stones weigh 25 tonnes each and come from Marlborough, 30 miles north.
The Minoan civilization spread between 3,500 and 1,375 BC. from Crete in the Mediterranean. It is unclear where the Minoans came from. Between the 17th and the 15th century BC. Was over-population. Known are ceramics and frescoes from dolphins in Knossos and facilities such as running water and sewage.
The volcanic eruption on Santorini (Thera, about 1675 - 1525 BC) has caused or accelerated the downfall of the Minoan civilization. Santorini largely disappeared, Crete was badly shaken and suffered from earthquakes, ashfall and tsunami. The legend of Atlantis could be derived from this event.
Puma Punku: at Tiahuanacu, south of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia is a mysterious temple complex of 167 x 117 m. The sleek, angular and strange hard stone blocks with holes and slots may be made only with advanced techniques such as milling, drilling and (concrete) casting. Maybe . They fit perfectly, like puzzle pieces together. 100 tonnes of stone were taken on more than 10 to 90 kilometers. Datings range from 15,000 BC to 440 after. We have no idea who why Puma Punku has conceived, built, nor how was done.
9,099 terracotta figures were used as burial gifts given to the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi (221-214 BC.). The Terracotta Army is located between Mount Li and contemporary Xi'an. This partially excavated mausoleum is an example of craftsmanship and high culture. Just try to fire a life-size image...
Dozens of huge figures of animals, geometric shapes and hundreds of thousands of lines are between 200 and 600 AD. manufactured by the Nazca and Paraca Indians in the sand of the pampas of Jumana and Nazca in Peru. They are only visible from the sky. Why? At that time?
The Anasazi (also Ancient Pueblo People or Ancestral Pueblo people) were farmers in Mesa Verde (Monument Valley, Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico) that between 550 and 1300 survived. They are known for their remarkable pottery, basketry and striking residential building against the rocks, pueblos (adobes) with ladder entrances. No one knows where these people came from, or where they went and how they suddenly disappeared.
Mayan culture in Central America existed from about 2,000 BC until the arrival of the Spanish explorers.
The Maya had a script developed, high art, architecture, mathematics and astronomy.
From the 8th and 9th century came the decline by war, consequences of overuse and drought. Cities of the central lowlands were abandoned. Pyramids, temples and jungle towns remain witnesses.
Their neighbors the Olmecs lived from 1,500 to 100 BC. in the valleys of Tabasco and Veracruz, in southern Mexico and are known for the large round stone heads. In 1990, the 3,000 year old Cascajal block was excavated with 62 characters.
The Incas were an indigenous people in South America, the Andes, between about 1,438 and 1,532 when Francisco Pizarro, captured the Inca Emperor Atahualpa. They built 22,000 km Inca trails, bridges, forts, temples and cities and agricultural terraces. Machu Picchu is a good example. Many walls consist of perfectly fitting stones for which cement was not necessary.
The Aztecs lived between approximately 1,200 and 1,521 in the current Mexico (city). The Aztecs were very warlike and are known for their human sacrifices. Hernán Cortés, the Spanish conqueror, plundered the nation and brought smallpox along.
Great Zimbabwe was the capital of the kingdom of Zimbabwe at Harare plateau in Africa that experienced its heyday from 1,100 to 1,450. The construction of the oldest and largest stone structures in southern Africa began in the eleventh century and lasted about three hundred years. The Great Fence has walls eleven meter high and about two hundred and fifty meter long and were made by the original indigenous Bantu.
The monumental obelisks in Axum, Ethiopia, are up to 160 tonnes and more than 20 meters long. Nobody knows when, why and how the sharply sculptured monuments were created and founded in underground cellars.
Also tunnels and dungeons (Germany (Erdställe), Turkey (Cappadocia)) and chopped off rock temple complexes (Petra, Ellora, Lalibela, Maiden Saleh) allow us baffled.
Easter Island: see <Deforestation>
More similar info can be found to i.a.
Ooparts, Out Of Place Artifacts are handmade things that are found in a time -environment in which they could not exist (yet). According to the general adopted evolution and history.
Ancient cultures never seem to be more evolved than beautiful handicrafts. Of engine driven machinery, electricity etc. were never found traces. Or..?
Some striking findings that are (not) (yet?) really known as fake or hoax.
In 1901, near the Greek island of Antikythera an analog computer (c. 140 - 80 BC) from a sunken ship was surfaced. The unit has 29 (out of 38) corroded bronze gears. It can make complex astronomical time calculations, arithmetic, calculate solar and lunar eclipses, and events such as the Olympics. There are Corinthian month names engraved.
In 1936, 15 cm high stoneware batteries were found in Baghdad, Khuyut Rabuah with a covering of asphalt. Around an oxidized iron rod in the middle is a 9 cm long copper cylinder of 26 mm diameter. If the jar is filled with an electrolyte, such as lemon juice or vinegar, then it can supply a voltage of 0.5 to 1 volt. These batteries from 224 to 640 AD may have been used to gild jewelery.
The Ottoman - Turkish admiral Piri Re'is signed in 1513 on a gazelle skin a map that was found in 1929 by a group of historians. She gives accurate coastline of 10,000 years ago. The map also indicated land on the site where - three years later - mainland Antarctica was discovered. The last time in the area was no ice to be seen was around about 6,000 years before Christ. Piri Reis said that his work is based on older maps. The only way the card could be signed is with visibility from the air, and knowledge of spheroid trigonometry, the curvature of the Earth and projection methods.
Other amazing cards are “Dulcert 's Portolano“ from 1339, the "map of Zeno“ from 1380, that of the Turksch Hadje Ahmed 1559, Oronteus Fineus of 1532...
Some deviations from the general norm:
The Dendra Lamps are representations of lotus flowers in an Egyptian Hathor temple. They are very similar to electric lamps.
The Acambaro Figures (Mexico) resemble dinosaurs (that lived before humans).
There are fossilized footprints of humans and dinosaurs found together.
There are several impossible handsome carved crystal skulls found.
The old carved Ica Stones (Peru) that Dr. Javier Cabrera in 1974 found (let make?) show images of telescopes, heart surgeries and dinosaurs.
The Kingoodie Hammer (Scotland) was found embedded in a piece of rock from 460 to 360 million years old.
The Fuente Magna is a ceramic tablet with Sumerian writing. Found in Bolivia.
The Kensington Runestone is a 14th century Norwegian artifact found in Minnesota.
Egyptian mummies contain traces of cocaine (from South America).
The by William J. Meister in 1968 in Utah found petrified sole print contains a fossil of a trilobite. Of 248-213 million years ago?
Maybe the inventions of Nikola Tesla, and the construction of Coral Castle belong here too?
“Forbidden archeology“ by Cremo and Thompson contains even more fascinating anomalies.
Not to mention the many stories and legends with strange references.
The Dogon, a tribe in the African Sahel, live on the slopes of the Cliff of Bandiagara in Mali. They are known for their colorful, masked dances and ceremonies and would have detailed astronomical knowledge about the Sirius system that quite fits with what we know of today. Their information will be transmitted by visitors of the star Sirius to humanity in the distant past, and was recorded by researchers in the first half of the 20th century. (Debunked.)
The ancient Indian Vedas have also technically detailed stories about flying aircrafts, vimanas.
The Bible, the Epic of Gilgamesh...
Amazing information for open minds. Maybe there are already technically advanced civilizations disappeared. If the last 10 to 12,000 years so often a civilization vanished, that can happen sure sometimes. 10,000 years is nothing for Mother Earth.
If a disaster were to happen tomorrow, I would not even with the help of the entire village and surrounding area, in 20 years make an airplane or a computer again. Foetsie!
And how do I make a video player to read instructional images? Which now are on DVD or a hard drive, meanwhile a chipcard....
So I keep it in useful things that I can manage.
Archaeology: science without future. (Georges Elgozy)
Marry an archaeologist. The older you get, the more he is interested in you. (Agatha Cristy)
History is a fiction which we agree.
People who lived in the seventh century BC had no idea
that they lived in the seventh century BC.
(W.van Broeckhoven)
What I think of the civilization of the white man? Yes, that would be no bad idea.