The text with advice and tips to survive a revolution is a selection, summary and translation of the (Internet) pamphlet:
Anonymous: Survival Guide for Citizens in a Revolution
Always use common sense and listen to your body. Sleep enough, lack of sleep wears you out. Do not be stupid. Small cuts infect; blisters, blue fingernails and cuts hinder your mobility and speed. Do not use alcohol or drugs, they cloud your thinking and give the other party a reason to classify you as rioting junk and drunk.
Be prepared. A revolt will never arise suddenly. Unrest grows and explodes (in (large) cities). Try to estimate this timely and properly: press (including the Internet) is censored, demonstrators picked up harshly, opposition leaders arrested.
Save timely stocks for 4 weeks: water, non-perishable nutritious foods and medications that are also preserved without refrigeration. With 20 kg of rice you can eat about 6 months. Provide i.a. pasta, canned food, flour and salt.
Watch out beforehand where you can find possible potable water if supply is interrupted or unreliable nearby. Buy water purification tablets or a -plant.
Find safe, cool and dry storage areas and divide your reservations amongst them.
Make copies of all your important documents, possibly on stick (in waterproof container), CD or internet: passport, insurance policies, property deeds, driver's license...
Make clear agreements with family, friends and your neighborhood or community to help each other. Know and recognize your allies, group in small quantities with confidants, choose a leader (and an identification).
Locate where the main supply of water, gas and electricity can be closed.
Plan joint facilities for water, energy, care for the wounded, the elderly, children, the sick and disabled. Take a first aid course, learn to improvise a stretcher.
Plan evacuation routes, meeting places and secure mailboxes and codes. Keep in touch with other neighboring groups and inform and help each other. Information is your main weapon and survival.
Exchange phone numbers, including firefighters, emergency services, and from their own neighborhood or group: (dental) doctor, nurse, electrician...
Provide fuel for cars (and heating, matches), cash and swaps (smoking paraphernalia, books, batteries...), (wind-up) flashlights and radios, fire extinguishers and blankets, first aid boxes.
Provide 24/7 for (as much as possible) guards in short shifts (3h) and record (video, photo) suspicious vehicles, license plates, occupants, etc.
Seek help from reliable soldiers. Provide detailed maps of the area.
Phones can be tapped and localized, especially if your opponent is the government. This also applies to email and social media.
Move only when and if necessary, pack light, in clothes that you can move quickly.
Avoid weapons and gunplay.
Unwanted accesses can be narrowed or barricaded with cars, washing machines, etc., reinforced with sandbags. Keep escape routes free.
In danger: move, pull the whole group back. Notify others.
Always stay in groups, or at least by 2, and in line of sight.
Do not wear military clothing. Wear clothes that cover your skin (almost) everywhere (which you do not stand out or make identifiable), sturdy and comfortable shoes that you can run with, your cell phone, cash spread over several places on your body and clothes (to pay transportation, to buy you free, to buy passage, access…) a (neutral) cap, bandera that can hide your face, sunglasses. Protect your head ((motor or ski) helmet, boiler, cap (s),..), nose and mouth (against pepper spray etc.) with masks.
Solid (motor) protective clothing or dustbin lids (genital and breast) against rubber bullets.
All wear similar (black) clothing and (same) mask. Stay together and do not get embedded.
Forces of law and order wear masks. You may hinder them by spraying / shoot them with paint.
Watch out for tear gas and pepper spray. It is painful, makes breathing difficult and dazzles. Move upwind. Wear a mask, diving mask or goggles and synthetic fibers (which do not absorb tear gas).
Avoid the underground metro. (Tear gases sink).
Vinegar helps to neutralize teargas (on your clothes).
Wear better no lenses.
Eyes (and skin) may be rinsed with a salt solution (available at pharmacies) or fresh water.
In Istanbul in mid- 2013 the protesters in the riots used in a mixture of milk, water and antacids to relieve the pain of burning eyes.
Exposed skin is best cleaned with soap and water ASAP.
The best protection against tear gas is obviously a respirator.
You can improvise by soaking a piece of fabric or paper towel in lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Store it in a plastic bag. It can allow you to breathe a few minutes.
On photographs from the riots in Istanbul is seen how you can make a kind of respirator with large plastic bottles (5 (or 2 liters)) and film: opening down, filled with soaked swabs.
Use in an attack the air in your clothes to breathe as the concentration of the gas is lower there. Once the fabric is saturated you just not use them. (Dump clothing afterwards or wash separately.)
Are you in a crowd, do not struggle against the current. Try slowly, diagonally to get away from the center. Avoid certainly to fall. Search walls or a portal for support and protection.
Avoid main roads and squares. Stay inside, find and know your escape from a building.
Are you in the car, keep driving (slow). Do not stop, except for police and military personnel who have been trained to see your car as potentially dangerous weapon.
With sharp shooting is usually the last defense of the reigning rulers: the end is near. It is not the intention to kill (by eliminating ex. 1 off 100), but to injure. A wounded holds 2 to 20 carriers, caregivers, etc. busy. The picture and crying demotivates others. Mandate 2 supporters to dissipate a wounded, and one to support, assist, motivate, solve off him...
Refuge behind walls and cars, disappear when the arrows are sharp.
All revolutions come from the stomach. (Napoleon)
Poverty is the father of crime and revolution (Aristotle)
Democracy: civil War, muffled by prosperity. (Levi Weemoedt)
Democracy: self-control of the people. (Barend Rijdes)
Anonymous as a movement is often called a hacker collective.
On the image board anyone can post anonymous messages. This gives an impression of broad-based ideology where status or personality play no major role.
The popular Guy Fawkes mask comes from the (merchandising! of the) movie and the comic ‘V for Vendetta’. Alan Moore wrote and David Lloyd drew the strip in 1982. The main character "V” wears the mask in his fight against a totalitarian British government. He sends hundreds of thousands of masks and capes to citizens who thus come up to the parliament building as an amorphous anonymous mass.
Guy Fawkes was a kind of Catholic terrorist who tried to blow up the British Parliament building on November 5, 1605 because of the break with the Vatican.
The mask is a symbol for people who do not protest as an individual for their own interests, money and power, but as anonymous citizens who want a society where justice is done to the values they consider important. A society where the government does not increasingly restrict the freedoms of its people under the guise of security.
The mask of anonymity and uniformity groups and present anti -globalization, anti - capitalism, human rights, Occupy and the fight against oppression.
In 2007, Naomi Wolf published her book “The End of America”about the demise of constitutional principles of freedom in her country. It argues that historically distinctive ten steps can be distinguished, for the transition from a democracy to a fascist form of government:
Call something into a terrible internal and external enemy
Create secret prisons where torture takes place
Develop a caste of people or paramilitary forces that are not accountable to citizens
Develop a system to monitor the own population
Bully citizen groups
Do arbitrary arrest, detention and release
Attack important persons
Check the press
Treat of political dissidents as traitors
Suspend the operation of the rule of law
A revolution is a struggle to the death between past and future. (Fidel Castro)
Riots are the language of those who were not listened to. (Martin Luther King)
Revolution: pause, stay where drivers are switched. (Jan Lasky)
A revolutionary is someone who extinguishes the fire of discontent with gasoline. (Henry De Montherlant)