Hunger is the best sauce. Hunger makes inventive. Everything is edible.

keukeninoorlogstijdTulip bulbs look somewhat like onions but are not at all tasty. They are nutritious.
The sand washed, remove the wreath and bark of the sphere, then you cut the bulb lengthways and pull the green pit out. Tulip bulbs can be cooked in the same way as potatoes, but with the difference that they are cooked in about 7 minutes.

For a stew, take 2 kg tulip, 4 kg potatoes and 4 kg red cabbage. The globes are cooked separately, the potatoes with red cabbage. Thereafter finish the stew with tulips and season with salt or spices.
They were also used with sauerkraut, soup and even baked or roasted.

Turkish tulbend (turban) went over to the French tulipan and tulipe and by analogy with the form, also into the Dutch name tulip.

Another hit was sugar beet. Which was grated to use them. In all kinds of preparations.

Dahlia tubers
“In all this time evry body looking at what is edible. Under the name of garden dahlia tubers, tubers are being brought into the market. We can not completely be delighted with the taste, but this will be a matter of getting used to. The nutritional value is not as large as is often indicated by traders. However, they give a great feeling of satiety.
Peel 1 kg dahlia tubers very thin or scrape, wash and grate or cut into small pieces. Also cut 2 kg onions thinly and with the cut tubers braise in a little oil 5 minutes. Add 13 liters of water and the salt and let the soup boil 30 to 45 minutes and let it cook in the hay box. Finish the soup with pepper substitute.’'

Mayonnaise without oil, an idea for eaters and di-eters.

Needed : 1 tablespoon flour, 1 egg yolk, 25 g butter, 1 cup water, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons vinegar, salt, pepper and mustard.
Mix the flour with the pepper, salt, egg yolk and milk.
Cook the water with the vinegar and pour stirring in the paste.
Add butter and mustard and allow to cool.

Pea Pod Soup (English war recipe from 1942).

Fruit 2 shallots soft and fragrant in a knob of butter.
Cut the peel into chunks, add some mint and the shallots and cover with water. Boil 15 minutes, drain, keep the liquid.
Puree the peels, dilute them to the desired thickness with the cooking liquid.
Finish with salt, pepper and a dash of cream. Serve warm.

Potato: creative use in times of scarcity.

The number of nature

The number of potato factories ... to prepare starch, potato flour, sago, syrup, spirit etc. has increased considerably.

Beer is also made from potato flour (with barley malt).

Artificial butter of potatoes, cooked, finely rubbed and mixed with cream and some salt.

And potato cheese (with curdled milk and salt), even potato pie.

Potato Cake would be based on a war recipe
500 g potatoes, 4 eggs, 150 g sugar, 1 tsp lemon juice, 50 g semolina.
Boil the peeled or scraped potatoes ready and press them warm by a pure peg or rub them through a sieve. Stir or mix the egg yolks with the sugar until pale yellow, thick glossy mass.
Stir in lemon juice and meal. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt very stiff.
First put potato crumb amongst the egg yolks with a spatula and finally quickly and airy the beaten egg whites .
Pour the batter into a buttered cake tin or spring form. Place it on a rack just below the middle of the preheated moderate oven: 170 to 180°C.
Let the cake cook and brown in an hour. Remove the cake from the oven and let it evaporate on a wire rack.

The Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71 ... also made peas sausage, a long shelf life gut filled with pea flour, beef fat, pork and onions. (invented by the cook Grunberg in Berlin (in a state factory that supplied 9-10 million toll pounds ... 2,400 people were employed.))

War marzipan
Almonds are largely replaced by potatoes.

Needed: 250 g peeled potatoes, 200g caster sugar, 1 egg, 10 g margarine, 50 g candied almonds (instead of 250 g as in the classic recipe) and a dash of bitter almond extract.

Boil the potatoes and make puree, crush the almonds and mix. Then put the pasta a few hours cooling. Roll the paste on a baking pan into a large rectangle of 1.5 cm thick and cut into strips. Let finally dry in a lukewarm oven.

Cats were also called roof rabbits (or –hares). On Flemish way, with prunes, or otherwise. (See also <Fox>)

Ships biscuit, hard tack or hard bread

Because bread during a campaign or on a ship could not be saved was taken hardtack. Each soldier received two packets of these hard cakes, which had to be soaked first (in water, soup, coffee) to make them edible. In the United States, they are also known as ’Iron Sheet Crackers’.
Ingredients: 1 part water, 2 parts flour. (Possibly, the deluxe version : pinch of salt).

Make with all ingredients a nice dough. Roll out to a thickness of about 1 centimeter, and cut it into squares of about 7.5 to 10 centimeters. Prick with a fork rows of holes in each cake.

Bake the cakes a few times in the oven: 15 minutes at 175 degrees, 30 minutes at 120 degrees and 30 minutes at 90 degrees. Bake the next day another 45 minutes at 100 degrees. The result is a hard, dried cake that will last for years.

.. fish bread is prepared on the Lofoden (island group off the coast of Norway) of stock fisch, which is stripped of bones and then ground into powder, after which the latter is heated to 100 degrees Celsius. It thereby loses the fichy taste and has four times the nutritional value of beef meat. They make bread rolls with it, which can be taken very easily when traveling.

Cracklings sauce with (egg, lettuce and boiled potatoes)

Ingredients : lettuce, egg (1 per person), salted bacon (70 g per person), pepper and salt, dash of vinegar, cornstarch, water, onion, potatoes.

Cook potatoes, wash salad and cut into strips.
Cut the bacon into strips and get them crispy and hard, (those are the cracklings). Add the chopped onion and let it brown. Deglaze with a little vinegar. Loose the sticked coating from the bottom with a flat wooden spatula. Add water.
Let it boil with cornstarch to bind to a nice thick smooth sauce. Season with salt and pepper.

When the potatoes are cooked, bake or cook the eggs and mix with the lettuce and the potatoes with butter. Season with salt and pepper.

Not only citizens are starving. The soldiers also. Officers usually slightly less.
In wartime agricultural yields will decline sharply. Fields are destroyed and looted. Skilled farmers are called to fight, knowledge to plow, fattening, sow and harvest disappears with them. Tractors cannot be used by lack of fuel. Horses are used for supplying troops partly as transport force, partly to eat. Hunger kills as ruthlessly as bullets. And demoralizes. And often decides the victory in battles.

General regarded: cut up and cook anything edible (in salads, stews, porridge or bake slurry). What is just not edible, you can still get in if marinate in liquor or vinegar, or rubbed with mustard. Inedible things you can possibly cook first to back out bitter tannins and cook tender, then drying, roasting and grinding. The flour again can be processed everywhere.

Each country had its war cookbooks, both for citizens and for the field kitchens.
One suggests: no atom of food may be wasted!

Already in 1918 there was a shortage of flour, and bakeries in Berlin used potato flour to make bread.
With fresh bread was meant bread that was not older than 8 days. Also acorn flour, swede powder and even sawdust were incorporated as ’ersatz’(replacement, surrogate) into bread.
As the situation worsened, eggs were sold e.g. by 1/2nd. Later they were only available on prescription.
Bones were chopped and boiled for days.
Tough, old meat is tender by rubbing with cognac, spirits (alcohol distilled from wine) or bitters (spicy liquor). (Anweisungen für Truppenküchen (Instructionsforarmy kitchens)).

Apple cookies
Make a thin gruel of flour with milk and beer or water (which is available). Let melt (oxen) fat. Dip apple slices in batter and fry them brown. In the absence of apples you only bake the dough (or deep-fried doughnuts). (Handbook for the field cook)

Welsh Rarebit
Grate cheese and crumble biscuits or bread crusts. Mix it with milk and bake for 45 minutes. (‘Cooking in the field’)

Camels stomach in ragout
Wash and blanch the stomach, colon and heart. Cut into cubes. Place in a large pan, then onions, carrots and garlic, cloves, pepper, salt, white wine, water and tomato. Let simmer 6 to 7 hours. It can also be (with) beef, then it's called ’Tripes a la mode de Caen’. (Manuel de Cuisine).

White flour soup

Boil salted water with a little oil or butter. Add 2 tablespoons flour while stirring. Added parsley gifes it a strong flavor. (Die Deutsche Hausfrau im Weltkrieg (TheGermanHousewifein the World War))

Blind rabbit (Blende keun)
Finely sliced ​​potatoes with onions, and if there was also some thyme and a bay leaf went into water in a kettle on a small fire. When it simmers long enough, it smells like rabbit.

Fowl remains
Maria Peeters tells Philip Outrieve they ever during World War I went to the poulterer for chicken blood or tongues. First the blood had to clot and rest to thicken. Then it could be baked like chickens tongues, with onions. (The Romans liked among others peacock tongues as delicacy.)

Potatoes waffles
Stamp 1.250 gr. boiled potatoes with 300 gr. butter. Mix in 500 gr. sugar and then 6 egg yolks, 500 gr. self-rising flour and 2 sachets vanilla sugar while stirring. Beat the 6 egg whites with 2 sachets vanilla sugar, and stir it into the dough. If necessary add a little cooking oil. So you bake tasty, non- crumbly waffles.

For inspiration also some dishes from ’The Perfect Holland kitchen - maid’ (Steven Esveldt, Amsterdam 1754). There are also fasting recipes, preparation of finch, lark etc.

Hips, how one shall preserve them.

Take hips and first delete its thorns, clean with a knife, and then clean grains in there by pulling out, and then pump water, there in so much salt in done, as you can grasp between the front finger and thumb, let boil, and they should only be done in the water, as it cooks, and if they are soft enough, it shovel them in a decisive, and they put them to cool, and then do inside the hips a piece lemon zest, and a bit of cinnamon, that by sticking there. Then one takes a pint rainwater, and a pound of loaf sugar to every pound hips, and first one makes the syrup, and when that is done and somewhat whipped, one does them in there, and if they are soft enough have there scooped out, and in a clay pot, is very good.

Pig ears, how will those fry.

Take overcooked pig ears, making a dough of flour, white wyne and eggs, and cover the pig ears with them, and then fry them in good butter in the pan until they have received a nice color, eat them with vynegar sauce and pepper, is a tasty costs .

Bunch of grapes, how to protect in Winters

Cut thy grapes off in clean dry whether, about nine o'clock in the morning, when the dew gone, she puts in salt water or brine, and put them on fabric dry rye straw, then one can keep them in Winters, provided that 'no dust on it, because they do care to wear because the dust does she rot: they hang them in a dry ground and airy place, and some make there a few paper lid on, but that should not touch the grapes .